March 11, 2020


Dear Parents,


We have been actively monitoring the COVID 19 (coronavirus) concern to ensure that our students and community remain safe and in good health.  We will continue to monitor and implement guidance issued by our state and local health agencies.  As reported previously we are following the guidance issued on March 7, 2020 by the California Department of Public Health and California Department of Education. 


The guidance describes a tiered or staged response with three distinct levels.  We are currently following Stage 1 recommendations which are as follows:

  • Encourage hand washing by students and staff several times per day.
  • Establish a structured handwashing routine in every classroom.
  • Teach and reinforce health positive personal habits
    • Cover your cough or sneeze
    • Use tissue and immediately throw away
  • Staff who exhibit signs of illness will be sent home and encouraged not to return until they have been cleared by a medical professional.
  • Students whom exhibit a fever along with flu like symptoms will be sent home
  • Custodians will thoroughly clean every classroom and disinfect all known difficult to clean areas.
  • Teachers report to site administrator any concerns with cleaning.
  • Sites report attendance patterns to superintendent.
  • Coordinate with health department for guidance.
  • Provide required training on proper use of cleaning products.
  • Evaluate fieldtrips and travel on a case by case basis.
  • Maintain active communication with our community via district app, text, and social media.


The second stage will be enacted should there be several confirmed cases in our community.  This involves and focuses on "social distancing," which involves limiting contact between individuals. HESD will be convening a special board meeting to allow staff and community to ask questions and learn of the district’s plan of action in moving to the second stage of response.  We are aware some school districts have implemented stage 2 activities, as factors in their community vary from those of our community.


The third stage focuses on what to do if we have to close school(s) or the whole district at the direction of public health agencies. We have an obligation to continue to provide an education to our students. Our administrative team is working on a plan to provide access to the curriculum and access to our meal programs to all our students should we be required to close. 

Please be assured that as part of our preparation for an increase in reported cases we have reviewed emergency operations plans, particularly for infectious disease outbreaks. We will continue to provide information on a routine basis and ask for your understanding and support in implementing a response that is appropriate for our district. 




Juan Cruz,
